Thaddeus Jones Works to Secure Grant for Calumet City

Improving infrastructure is imperative for our community and our future. A grant has been awarded for one of our shovel ready projects here in our District.

$1.4 million has been awarded to Calumet City for our river walk and canoe launch. The project will create good jobs for its completion and foster economic development for years to come. It will also provide a nice space for residents and visitors to spend time and enjoy our city.

“Thank you Governor Pritzker for supporting me in releasing $1.4 million dollars to Calumet City for our canoe launch and river walk project,” said State Representative Thaddeus Jones (D-Calumet City). “This eco-friendly project will allow residents to enjoy the river while also inviting a new economy for all Calumet City residents to enjoy.”

The funding was allocated by Governor JB Prtizker and Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) through the Rebuild Illinois Capital Improvement Program.
This particular grant is a Fast Track Capital grant, which is designed to fund shovel ready projects in underserved Illinois communities.
