Category: news
Please Vote Yes to Term Limit Question And No To Henyard’s Tax Increase
Hello Calumet City Residents, this Mayor Jones. I realize that you’ve been bombarded with phone calls and text messages from […]
Illinois Supreme Court rules in favor of Thaddeus Jones
Illinois State Representative Thaddeus Jones – current Mayor-Elect of Calumet City, Illinois – is now the official winner of the […]
Thaddeus Jones declares victory in Calumet City mayoral primary; incumbent Michelle Markiewicz Qualkinbush does not concede
State Rep. Thaddeus Jones, who is seeking to become the first black mayor in Calumet City history, on Wednesday declared […]
State Rep. Thaddeus Jones declares victory in Calumet City mayoral primary
State Rep. Thaddeus Jones, D-Calumet City, declared victory in the Democratic mayoral primary in Calumet City, even as it remains […]
Calumet City Mayor Michelle Qualkinbush engineered an unconstitutional last-minute referendum scheme to stay in office
In a desperate and ultimately futile effort to avoid losing re-election, Calumet City Mayor Michelle Qualkinbush engineered an unconstitutional last-minute […]