Crime and Public Safety

Crime and violence in our city has long been a problem. The latest year for which complete data is available is 2018 and according to the analysis by the FBI released in September 2019, Calumet City is 34% above the national average for violent crime and the overall crime rate is 89.1% above the national average.
This is unacceptable.
Much of the crime plaguing our community stems from a lack of opportunity. As Mayor, I will implement a comprehensive economic development plan that will put us on a solid path towards making our community strong through solid job creation.
I will also work with our police department to implement a community policing program. This will foster a climate based on familiarity and trust between police officers and the people of our city. Community policing also helps young people to have positive role models and know that the city cares about them as individuals.
It is unequivocal that the people of our community deserve much better than the indifferent status quo.