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Please Vote Yes to Term Limit Question And No To Henyard’s Tax Increase
Hello Calumet City Residents, this Mayor Jones. I realize that you've been bombarded with phone calls and text messages from ...

Illinois Supreme Court rules in favor of Thaddeus Jones
Illinois State Representative Thaddeus Jones – current Mayor-Elect of Calumet City, Illinois – is now the official winner of the ...

Thaddeus Jones declares victory in Calumet City mayoral primary; incumbent Michelle Markiewicz Qualkinbush does not concede
State Rep. Thaddeus Jones, who is seeking to become the first black mayor in Calumet City history, on Wednesday declared ...

State Rep. Thaddeus Jones declares victory in Calumet City mayoral primary
State Rep. Thaddeus Jones, D-Calumet City, declared victory in the Democratic mayoral primary in Calumet City, even as it remains ...

Calumet City Mayor Michelle Qualkinbush engineered an unconstitutional last-minute referendum scheme to stay in office
In a desperate and ultimately futile effort to avoid losing re-election, Calumet City Mayor Michelle Qualkinbush engineered an unconstitutional last-minute ...